Lessons can be taught both in English and Greek and there is also the possibility for whoever wishes to follow an exam system to prepare for the ABRSM method (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music), which is internationally accepted. For more information on how this method works, look here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/abrsm.gr/about/?ref=page_internal.
The lesson is created around the specific needs of each student. The aim is to broaden the ways an instrument can be approached, placing in the middle of this process the innate need of everyone to create and express. Strong emphasis is given to the physical lucidity and clarity, since I believe that this is where a loose, rhythmical and intuitive performance stems from.
Each year I look at new ways of approaching studying, performing and awareness of my students through the piano. Even though technique is an essential part and an important centre of the ongoing process of learning, we focus respectively on improvisation and on the various sides of our senses and emotions. I search for a holistic education, thus aiming to teach how through music and piano we learn to use all of our senses and that it is important to learn a new instrument with all the messages it entails (emotional, intellectual, technical). Improving hearing, seeing, tactility and intuition and creating a multifaceted playing filled with vitality, have a very important role in the process of teaching as these tools and the relationship we create with our instrument, will be reflected in our daily life.